Visit to Lowther Castle, Penrith - 29th January 2019
The Courtyard at Lowther Castle On a snowy winter’s day, we travelled from school to Lowther Castle and met the Creative Conversations group again. Cassie gave a short talk about the history of the Castle and Lowther family. She told us that the Lowther family has been on-site since as early as the 12 th century. A man named Dolfin, who is believed to be of Viking descent was the first to build on this land in 1150. He chose the area for its beauty and wildlife. The name Lowther comes from Old Norse meaning ‘foaming river’. The building was then renovated and improved in 1691, making it Lowther Hall. This was a much grander home with beautiful gardens to compliment it. Unfortunately, the building did not last long as it burnt down in 1718 due to the chimneys not being swept. It remained a charred shell and when the then owner Richard Lowther died in 1751 without an heir, the estates passed to his cousin James Lowther (known as Wicked Jimmy), which included the coal fiel...