Planning our banner - gathering our thoughts - 21st May, 2019

Today we chatted through everything we had done on the project since last September. Unfortunately, Chloe, Lexie and Travis were away on a trip but the rest of us reminded ourselves where we had been on our trips and what we have learned about Carlisle's textile industries two hundred years ago. We focused on what our area of West Cumbria and Whitehaven contributed to the textile industries in Carlisle, transporting by ship and latterly by train the coal to fuel the factories and the raw materials such as raw cotton to the spinning and weaving mills. We particularly enjoyed our visits to Farfield Mill, The Beacon Museum, Lowther Castle and our trips to Carlisle to meet our friends in the Creative Conversations group. We sketched and made notes of our favourites then collected our thoughts altogether. The walls in our room are covered in our fabulous art and after half term, we shall be deciding what to include on our work for our exhibitions in Ca...