Learning to Weave - Laura's Visit

On the 30th October, we travelled to Carlisle and met the participants from the Creative Conversations group at Prism Arts again.

Laura from Laura's Looms, who runs a small business at Farfield Mill came to tell us about her business and to teach us how to weave.

She gave us all a cardboard loom and showed us how to weave with different coloured yarns.
It was tricky as we had not used a cardboard loom before, especially when we got to the end of a row and had to remember to loop the yarn over and making sure for example we went over the warp if we had gone under before!   Confusing, but we managed just great and made some lovely weaves and helped each other when we found it difficult.

Laura had brought a four shaft loom and a heddle loom and after showing us how these worked, we all got the chance to try them out.

It was lovely to meet everyone and spend time learning to weave in so many ways and after having lunch, we left to go back to school.



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