Getting creative (and messy!) with printing - monoprinting - 19th March, 2019

This afternoon was our last session this term - so we decided to get messy, creative and have some fun!  

Our starting point was chatting about what we had learned from our visit to Carlisle the week before when David Ramshaw told us about the development of railways and the important role they had in the development of our local industries including the mills and print works.

Taking our pictures of trains as our inspiration, we looked at the shapes that formed the different parts of the train.  The funnel, the train lines, the wheels.......

 Hubert used a diesel train as inspiration - and made this fabulous print.  Well done.

 We had great fun pushing the ink around on the plate to give us different shapes, lines and textures.

Once our first prints had dried, we were able to apply another colour and produced these great pieces of art!

It amazing to see how our inspiration took us on our own 'train journey' and produced these really colourful works of art.  Well done everyone.

We all made lots of colourful prints and some of us we able to use these to make cards - by focusing on interesting areas of our prints.

Beautiful cards - I certainly would like to receive one of these.  A really productive few hours work - well done to all. 


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